George Osborne
George Osborne

The Office for Budget Responsibility correctly stay out of the political debate and do not assess the long-term costs and benefits of E.U. membership.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

Reagan is the subject of ongoing political debate, and a lot of liberals don't want to take Reagan any more seriously than they did when he was president. I understand why they don't, but they should.

Isabelle Adjani
Isabelle Adjani

I find the heated political debate over the burkini both ridiculous and dangerous.

Jacob Weisberg
Jacob Weisberg

Not applying a religious test for public office means that people of all faiths are allowed to run - not that views about God, creation, and the moral order are inadmissible for political debate.

Jeane Kirkpatrick
Jeane Kirkpatrick

What takes place in the Security Council more closely resembles a mugging than either a political debate or an effort at problem-solving.

Jess Walter
Jess Walter

Ultimately if you're a journalist, one day you're writing about figure skating, one day a political debate. I loved that about reporting. I like throwing my energies into various corners of the world.

Johann Lamont
Johann Lamont

I love hard political debate and I love beating somebody on a political point but what I'm more frustrated by is the politics where you play the man not the politics.

Kathleen Parker
Kathleen Parker

Earlier feminists were almost universally pro-choice and have dominated political debate until now. Having access to abortion was viewed as the only way women could have full equality with men, who, until recently, couldn't get pregnant.

Marcus du Sautoy
Marcus du Sautoy

We need scientists and mathematicians explaining why they are excited about their subjects but also why they are important for solving social problems, informing political debate and for the economy.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

I've slipped on occasion into the realm of irresponsible invective, but I try to avoid it and generally recant when I fall short. Because name-calling does nothing to improve understanding or move the political debate forward.